Saturday, January 14, 2006

Arts Grants Program Information Meeting

There will be an information meeting to tell you about the Arts Grants Program of the Indiana Arts Commission administered through the Columbus Area Arts Council Region 9 (Franklin County is part of region 9.)

This program has grants available to non-profit organizations in the county to support the arts.

Jeff Kuehl, the Region 9 grants program coordinator, will be presenting on Monday, January 23 2006 at the Franklin County Community Foundation Building, 527 Main Street, Brookville Indiana. Start time is 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited- this is a public meeting.

For more information, e-mail Gail Ginther at

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Working Together

An ad-hoc meeting was held last night (January 4) to exchange ideas on preserving the local history of the town. A “brainstorming” approach was used to attempt to recount all the good things that have happened in the past year in town, and to identify the most significant obstacles to improving the town along with possible solutions to these obstacles.

The meeting was considered a landmark gathering because those present at the meeting last night represented all of the other civic groups in the town, including the Merchant Association, Commissioner’s (town) Council, Historic Metamora Inc., Metamora Economic Development Corp (MEDC), Duck Creek Property Owners Association, and the Lion’s Club.

Several people volunteered to do some research on specific areas identified and report back to the group at a follow-up meeting scheduled next month.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Comments From Town Visitors

A survey of about 200 visitors to the town of Metamora was conducted during the recent Christmas walk. Much information about the demographics was collected, and is available for those interested by contacting Candy Yurcak at Walnut Creek Home and Garden. The survey also included a section for visitor comments on the town. A few are reprinted here:

"Nice, friendly, clean placde to bring family and visitors."

"This is a wonderful place!! Great history for children, great learning too!"

" I am out here at least six times a year. Need more bathrooms!!!!"

"All of the stores are very nice."

"Our family loves Metamora- we want to spend more time here."

"We love this place and we'll keep coming back as long as stores stay in business."

"Very interesting and quaint."

"Wonderful place to visit- I plan on coming back year after year."

"Been coming since I was a child. Love the older town and unique stores."

"Keep Metamora alive!"